Assurance services
No matter the nature or size of your company, our audit partners take time to get to know you and understand your business thoroughly. This contributes immensely to a more vigorous and effective audit. The provision of effective, efficient, and independent examinations of a client’s financial statements in accordance with relevant statutory and professional requirements is our objective here. AA&Co’s assurance services help you meet the challenges of managing risk. AA&Co’s audit process is more than a compliance measure. It is a business improvement tool that identifies and resolves critical issues and adds value. We are proud of our high-quality audit reporting and robust independence. We keep you up to date with relevant financial reporting and related legislative as well as technical changes. We also give advice to maximize the potential of your business.
AA&Co’s Assurance services comprise of :
A. Audit
We provide a sound statutory audit of financial statements specializing in both listed entities and state-owned organizations.
Auditing and financial reporting is a critical path in financial governance.
To this end, the role of a financial auditor is under increasing scrutiny due to the worsening economic environment. We understand that having confidence in financial information and ensuring statutory compliance is critical, as such we provide a sound statutory audit of financial statements specializing in both listed entities and state-owned organizations.
AA&Co employs a risk-based audit approach in accordance with ISA 315 which requires that we assess the risk of a material misstatement of the financial statement whether caused by fraud or error by gaining an understanding of the entity and its internal control system. AA&Co’s commitment to quality is unwavering, we provide the highest standards of services and partner-led audit engagements.
AA&Co’s audit services include:
• Statutory and non-statutory audits
• IFRS Compliance/ Accounting Technical
• Sustainability Reporting
• Agreed Upon Procedures
• Integrated Reporting
• Financial Review Engagement
• Probity Assessments
B. Technical Excellence
We have a well-established and specialized technical division, with in-depth, local and international knowledge and experience, which consists of three units namely, Accounting, Audit and Sustainability reporting.
At AA&Co, we have a well-established specialized technical division, with in-depth, local and international knowledge and experience, which consists of three units namely; Accounting, Audit and Sustainability reporting.
The Accounting and Sustainability reporting units provide technical support on financial reporting (International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs) and Standard of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP)), and Integrated Reporting to our clients in all industries, including the public sector and private sector within Nigeria, and on the wider African continent and also for our in-house assurance team.
The Audit Technical unit provides audit technical support to our assurance team on the audit methodology and the related tools, ensuring that they are consistent with relevant professional standards and regulatory requirements. The team also develops guidance used by the firm professionals and provides training on audit-related matters to ensure consistency and effectiveness in audit engagements.
Since the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the general increase in market volatility, there has been a call-out by the regulators to ensure that there is transparency in financial reporting given the uncertainties and complexities created in the financial system. AA&Co ensures that the impact of these changes is thoroughly assessed for the benefit of the users of financial statements.